Link to the Moore Virtual Health Office – Check this Out!!
The Moore Health Office is available from 7:45am-3:15pm on school days for any of your child’s medical needs. Students may come and visit the Health Office any time during the school day if they are injured or feeling ill. We require the student to have a pass from their teacher, unless it is an emergency. Our goal is to assess and manage student illnesses and injuries in an efficient and timely manner so that they may return to class as quickly and safely as possible. If a student meets criteria for being sent home from school by either the Health Technician or School Nurse, a parent/guardian will be notified to come and pick up their child from school.
Students with Health Conditions:
Please let the Health Office know if your student has any special medical needs or diagnoses, such as Asthma, Diabetes, Seizures, takes medications during the school day, or anything that may require medical intervention while at school.
Attention 7th grade parents:
Nebraska State Statute 79-444 states that a school physical and Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and acellular Pertussis) vaccine should be done at the 7th grade level. If students do not meet the vaccine requirement, they may be subject to exclusion. Your medical provider must indicate that the specific Tdap combination was given. If you need a copy of the physical form, you may click the link below to download and print the form. A copy of your student’s immunization record may also be obtained from the Health Office at any time.
Thank you for making your child’s health and education a priority. If you have any questions please contact the Health Office.
Click here to visit the LPS Health Services Forms page
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ParentVue is a component of the LPS Student Information System that allows parents/guardians to: